Support the gardening program by ordering your student their Gardener-in-Training t-shirt!

Perfect to wear on their garden days to keep those nice, new school clothes from getting dirty! 





We have a few sizes of our garden shirts available now!



Order online today!



Shirt orders will be fulfilled on Fridays and sent home with your student.

Thank you for supporting our Colts and their garden!

Volunteer of the Month 

Jenny Fuentes is our Volunteer of the Month! 



If you've been inside Copeland Elementary, then you've probably seen Jenny, and she was probably in the middle of helping someone. She knows the ins and outs of the workroom just about as well as Ms Ashley herself! She is determined to do everything she can to support our wonderful staff every moment she is able. We are so lucky to have such a diligent and dedicated member of our community. Next time you see her, give her a wave!