Originally delivered on 1/19/2024 10:51 am

SUBJECT: Horseshoe Review January 19, 2024

Horseshoe Review- Copeland Elementary PTO Newsletter

January 19, 2024

President's Corner

After a wonderful winter break your PTO is back, rested, and ready for the second half of the school year. We have tons of exciting events and activities coming up this spring, and we hope you and your family be a part of them!

I want to start off by thanking our Copeland parents and families so much for your support! Volunteering to help around campus, taking part in our hospitality events for our admin and staff, and attending our community events helps to grow and strengthen our Copeland community while also supporting our PTO to bring more opportunities to your students every day!

Our big Spring Fundraiser is quickly approaching! Last year’s amazing results from our Spring fundraiser allowed us to order our newest large playground equipment piece complete with shade cover!  This year we are working toward additional shade on the playground, updates to our outdoor pavilion/classroom area, additional family, and community events-  such as our Spring Movie Night, and even more educational programs for our students!

Did you know that the district/state funds do not cover things like field trips, playground upgrades, and supplemental programs such as our school garden, and educational assemblies and shows for your students? Our PTO works diligently to stretch every dollar we earn and find creative ways to bring great opportunities to our students. Help us continue to meet our goals this year by being creative with the fundraiser next month! Ask for donations from employers, local businesses, and more! We kick off February 26th, so be on the lookout for more info to come.

I also want to remind you to please submit your wonderful pics of school activities for our yearbook! We always hope to feature the biggest variety of students possible, but we can only work with the pictures we receive from YOU! Want to see your darling child's face more in the yearbook, submit your pics! Also, PLEASE, PLEASE order your child's yearbook ASAP. We do not order extras, so only those who order them before the deadline will be guaranteed a copy. We ALWAYS have disappointed kids and parents at the end of the year when they did not order a yearbook. Get yours TODAY!

Finally, as we enter the second half of the year, I want to reach out to you personally to ask in what area you might be available and willing to help out PTO? We know it may seem like so much to take on, but as I like to say, ‘many hands make light work’, and nowhere is that sentiment better illustrated and the PTO.  We all have skill sets used in our lives that would be such a wonderful addition to our organization. Do you love taking photos or scrapbooking? Yearbook could be a great fit! Enjoy party planning? Our large events committee would love your input and help! Do you have a green thumb? We are in desperate need of a garden chair for the coming year. And if you are not quite sure how to help but would like to get more involved, please reach out and we can give you more information.

We want everyone to be involved in one way or another, and board and/or chair positions don't always mean a large time commitment in the middle of the workday. 

Thanks again for reading and helping as you always do.

 Welcome to 2024: Copeland's best year yet!!

Laurie Alexander

Copeland PTO President


Looking Ahead
Friday, January 19
Spirit Cart
Tuesday, January 23
3rd Grade Gardening
Tuesday, February 6
3rd Grade Gardening
Wednesday, February 7
5:00p Chick-fil-a Spirit Night
Thursday, February 15
Spirit Cart
Tuesday, February 20
3rd Grade Gardening
Tuesday, March 5
3rd Grade Gardening
Tuesday, March 19
3rd Grade Gardening
Friday, March 22
Spirit Cart
Wednesday, March 27
5:00p Chick-fil-a Spirit Night

The 3rd-grade classes have done some amazing work in the garden over the last few months and they are beginning to harvest the 'fruits of their labor'. Check out these amazing photos of their recent harvest and be on the lookout for even more to come home as their cabbage, broccoli, greens, herbs, and more begin to produce! Working in the school garden is a fabulous addition to the school curriculum as it allows your students hands-on learning and the opportunity to see the beauty of nature's bounty. 

We are also in need of some helping hands during the upcoming garden dates. Even if you don't have experience working in the garden you can come help! Please check out the sign-up genius and join your student for some time outside.

We still need volunteers for the following dates- 1/23, 2/6, 3/5, 3/19, 4/16



HUGE THANK YOU to all that helped save the garden before the freeze!!

Volunteer of the Month

 Veronica Flores is our Volunteer of the Month! 

Veronica spends her time as a Home Room Coordinator for 2 classrooms and supporting Ms Vigil as our Music Chair! If you were on campus at all during the Holiday's you saw all the wonderful decorations she helped organize and put together.  We are lucky to have her and her creativity.  Thank you for your all you do for our Colts, Veronica!

Science Resource Center

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone stayed warm this week!

Things are really picking up starting this week.

*4th grade will have the Planetarium in the library for the next 2 weeks. They will be visiting during science class to learn more about our Solar System!

*Pre-K will have a Field Trip to the SRC to learn about different animals, and how to be a good pet owner.

*In February, both Kindergarten and 1st grade will each have their 2nd demo of the school year.  This time with LIVE animals!

We have a few trainings  in January and February if you are interested in training to present our Science Demos.

3rd Grade Amphibians


3rd Grade Arthropods


5th Grade CSI


If you have any questions about Demos, or the SRC in general, please contact Brandy Clark our Copeland SRC coordinator at CopelandSRC@Gmail.com 

Volunteer Opportunities

We are currently looking for Chair and Committee Members for the 

2023-2024 school year! 

If you are interested in joining our wonderful volunteers, or in learning more about the volunteer opportunities available, please reach out to:

Laurie Alexander at CopelandPTOPresident@gmail.com

Magen Hall at CopelandPTOVIPS@gmail.com


If you are able to help out at our monthly Spirit Cart, we would love to see you there! The students always have so much fun shopping and it is a great way to meet other parents and volunteer!

January and February Sign-Ups:


March, April, and May Sign-Ups:



Come out to our Spirit Nights this month and see your teachers!

Thursday,  January 25 - Crust Pizza - 2nd Grade Team
Tuesday,  January 30 - Torchy’s Tacos (4-10 pm) - 3rd Grade Team

Wednesday,  February 7 - Chick-Fil-A (5-8 pm) - Life Skills Team
Tuesday, February 13 - Willie’s Icehouse Copperfield (All Day)
Friday February 17 - ASI Gymnastics- Parents Night Out

Did you know that Blue Willow Bookshop sponsors our lovely library and its events? 

Keep your family reading all year long by visiting them online or stop by their store to look around and say hi!

Become a PTO Member

Your one-time $15 family membership allows us to provide fun activities for your kids, field trips, playground equipment, classroom tools, teacher appreciation, and so much more all year!


PTO Board Members 2023-2024

Laurie Alexander



Kimberly Capers

Membership Liaison


Deepa Ozarkar



Kimberly Martinez



Magen Hall

VIPS Coordinator


Majesta Carraway



Joye Jackson

Cultural Arts


LaKishia Edwards

Social Media


Rebecca Bintcliffe

Major Events Coordinator


2022-2023 PTO Board Members


Logging Volunteer Hours

Please make sure that when you volunteer you log your hours. This helps the district and state keep up with community involvement as well as shows us who to award Volunteer of the month!  Click on the button below to do so. Thank you!

Log Your Volunteer Hours
New to Raptor Volunteer Portal?
Birthday Marquee

Support your Copeland PTO and wish your Copeland Colt a HAPPY BIRTHDAY by featuring them on the Copeland Elementary Marquee the week of their birthday.

It's Simple and Easy...

- Choose the week you want to feature your Copeland Colt

- Complete the Birthday Marquee Form here

- Submit the $20 Birthday Marquee Fee

- Watch the look on their face when they see their name

Due to district policy, we will only put their first name and last letter of their last name.

Spots are limited to 5 listings per week. You must submit the form and payment by noon on the Friday prior to the week selected. Sign up your Copeland Colt TODAY!

Does your student have a summer birthday or is the week of their birthday already filled up? You can choose any week that is still available.

Due to processing, payments must be made online or by cash to guarantee your spot on the birthday marquee. If you are paying by cash; complete this online form, choose the "pay later" option then submit the payment within two business days to the school, either to the front office or send it in with your student.

Connect With Us

Join the Copeland PTO today by going to CopelandPTO.org

Copeland PTO Facebook - @CopelandElementaryPTO

Copeland PTO Instagram - @CopelandElementaryPTO

Get the Remind App

Copeland PTO Volunteers – Text @2868g4 to 81010

Copeland PTO Events – Text @aeb664 to 81010

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